Thursday, February 2, 2017

What is the message you are spreading?

A week or so ago there was a huge March at the State Capital. It was mainly about equality and how women are part of the huge majority of people who have been marginalized. I, being a transgender man, can attest to just how far that pendulum swings. I have witnesses it with my own eye, and experienced it first hand.

After a long day, I got home and was dirty and tired and dehydrated. All I wanted to do was shower and rest.... You ever have one of those moments when you know, your plans and God's are not the same?

I jumped on Facebook right before I went to shower. I had a friend who posed a genuine question. Her status said something to the effect of "What is this Women's March about?" I ran through the list of comments real fast, only to see no one had given her a real answer to the question. Only a bunch of nay sayers, who were upset and greatly misinformed. So I decided to very honestly, and non offensively, answer her question.... This is where I had that God moment! The Holy Spirit alive and working. Almost Immediately I got a reply to my comment. Mostly a thank you for an honest answer, but clearly someone who saw things from a very different point of view. The next thing I know I am sitting on my bedroom floor, having a full on conversation with 4 or 5 women who I've never met before. The conversation went from women's rights, to LGBTQ issues, to Transgender Bathroom laws. I felt compelled to share my story. Some of these women were a bit aggressive, and kinda hostile at first. But I persisted, giving only personally experiences, and extending a great deal of patience and grace.

100+ comments later, I have gained 3 new Facebook friends, and left with a feeling of genuinely communication, and being a vessel to give some perspective on a human level, to some extremely conservative women.

I knew that most likely these ladies stances were based on a certain amount of fear, and unknowing about people outside of their circles. I love that they let me speak and share. I love it even more that in the end we found common ground to stand on. I received a heartfelt apology from one of the more aggressive women. She apologized for how I might have been treated by conservative Christians. One women said "You make a great man"

This entire experience was so amazing. God is still in the business of changing lives and hearts. I am so glad that I was obedient to the calling to continue to engage in this conversation. I know that fear has a lot to do with how people feel about the LGBTQ community. Especially the Transgender/Queer part. At times it is hard, but I always want to be open to sharing. I believe that if I can plant a seed, then I want too.

My challenges to everyone reading this is... The next time you get a chance to engage in a conversation with someone different than you, who may be operating from a place of "fear of the unknown" I challenge you to engage with grace and kindness, and never attack. That is not how we keep the conversations going.

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